Tuesday 6 May 2014

Homemade Almond milk!

I am trying to follow a more healthy diet.

So, in that spirit, in the mornings most days I have protein shakes for breakfast, using almond milk, not dairy.

I was a little sceptical at first, the idea of non-dairy milk was too strange. But I liked!

Almond milk is expensive and also sweetened with sugar, so I had to do something for that.....

Homemade Almond Milk

1 cup almonds
3 1/2 cups water
1 vanilla bean

* The night before put the almonds in water.
* Next day, when you are ready to make your milk, rinse the almonds very well.
* Put them in the blender along with the water (I use filtered water) and the vanilla bean chopped.
* Blitz, don't be afraid of it!
* Take your cheesecloth and lay it inside a large bowl.
* Pour the almond - water mixture, gather the cheesecloth carefully on top, lift and start squeezing.
* You want to strain as much milk as possible.
* Pour your milk in a glass bottle and store in the fridge!

 (excuse the light...)
 It is frothy.


It is, perphaps, the easiest thing you can make yourself and without all the preservatives found in the store bought ones.

Oh, delicious, too!


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